Saturday, December 24, 2011

First post on LR Photography's blog.

I'll jump right in and make an introduction to me, the photographer. While I attended Texas Woman's University I took photography classes but never in a million years thought I would be making that dream into real life.

Why did I pick up photography after college? My dog. Simple as that. My husband got me a Digital SLR for Christmas one year after my film (oh yes, FILM) became uninteresting. We went every where together, hiking, walks, I would bring him to stores with me. I frequented Lowes and Home Depot just to bring him in. I became pretty handy with my camera, but I sucked at editing. It didn't matter though, it's not like I even needed to smooth his skin, or make his eyes pop. It really made me get better at SOOC's shots. {SOOC = Straight Out Of Camera}

What made me start {shooting} people? My pregnancy. Pregnancy made me realize how important portraits of families, newborns, and children are. I started shooting people more and more frequently starting in May of 2010. Of course I shot people before then, but it still never occured to me to make a lifestyle out of my passion. Until, I met my doula and birth coach. Once I met her, it seemed like more and more people were asking me do their family portraits.

After my fifth or sixth shoot, I realized that photography wasn't just my passion, but it is something that I really am good at. I'm not good at a lot of things, so I feel so grateful that God showed me the talents he gave me while I am young. So what's next?

I got better at editing. I love editing. In the very beginning I told another photographer friend that I would never use photoshop because it is faking the picture. Now, I eat my words. I now look at it as processing, such as film. I am only enhancing those great features a client has. I am just as proud to show off my work, as my client is to show off their beauty to their friends.

I cannot promise I will keep this blog updated, because I juggle so many hats, like wife, mommy, photographer but I will try to keep it as current as I possibly can. I will put tips out to be a better photographer, whether you want to go pro or you are just a mom behind the lens.

Thank you so much for the support, I am so grateful and blessed I have been given this opportunity. Photography has completely changed my life, and I think I truly am a better ME because of it.

With love,

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